***All upcoming dates are tentative and subject to change.***
***Some events are Open to the Public, Some are RSVP only and some are Private.***

Mad Mike & His trusted Sidekicks

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Mad Mike’s Birthday Club

It’s our April Celebration
Birthday Party!!!

“Free Dinner”

For anyone that was born in April we have a special April Birthday menu including:
Appetizer, Soup or Salad, Entree and of course Birthday Cake!!!

Do you know anyone who had or has a birthday in April?
Bring them Or send them and their guests to Mad Mike’s Cafe Tuesday Night, April 28th at 6:00 PM for a free birthday dinner including birthday cake for dessert!
Guests get their special dinner at a special price that also includes a slice of birthday cake!


Free for April Birthday People!
Guests only $12.95 per person
plus tax of course.
Does not include beer or wine.

RSVP to Events@madmikesstore.com or
text Mad Mike at 714.801.9235
Please give us your name
and how many will attend!

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